Rado Yendra

Nama Lengkap : Dr. Rado Yendra, M.Sc
NIP/NIK : 19751115200801 1 010
Pangkat/Gol : Penata/ IIIc/ Lektor
Latar Belakang Pendidikan : S1 Matematika Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru
S2 Statistik Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia
S3 Statistik Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia
Bidang Pengajaran : Statistika
Minat Penelitian : Statistika Matematika
Pelatihan dan Seminar :
Penelitian :
  1. Perbandingan Beberapa Metoda dalam Mensimulasi Data Hujan untuk Menangkap Hujan Maksimum/Ekstrim (Metoda Peluang, Rantai Markov, Neyman Scott Rectangular Pulse (NSRP)) (2012)
  2. The comparison spatial distribution observed, estimatated using Neyman-Scott Rectangular Pulse Method (NSRP), and simulation for mean of one-hour rain and probability of 24-hour rain (2013)
  3. Methods on Handling Missing Rainfall data with Neyman-Scott Rectangular Pulse Modelling (2013)
  4. Komputasi Sederhana untuk Mengestimasi Parameter Model Neyman Scott Rectangular Pulse (NS) (2013)
  5. Analisis Kebijakan Pemerintah Dalam Perdagangan Minyak Goreng Sawit Di Indonesia Dengan Menggunakan Simultaneous Equation Modelling (SEM) (2013)
  6. Perbandingan Model Hujan Stokastik Neyman-Scott Rectangular Pulse (Nsrp) Dan Bartlett-Lewis Rectangular Pulse (Blrp) (2014)
  7. Pemodelan Hujan Neyman-Scott Rectangular Pulse Terbaik di Semenanjung Malaysia (2014)
  8. Pemodelan Kawasan Panen Sawit Malaysia dengan Model Logistik (2015)
  9. Neyman Scott Rectangular Pulse Modeling for Storm Rainfall Analysis in Peninsular Malaysia (2015)
  10. Sumbangan Sains untuk Mengungkap Khazanah Hujan dalam Al Qur’an dan Hadist (2015)
  11. Perbandingan Karakteristik Iklim Ekstrim Negara Serumpun Melayu (Malaysia Dan Indonesia) Melalui Model Kelebatan Hujan (2016)
  12. Pemetaan Sifat Sel Hujan (Intensitas dan Durasi) dengan Menggunakan Metode Neyman-Scott Rectangular Pulse (NSRP) (2016)
  13. Relation Model of Storm Wet Duration and Storm Intensity for Various Rainfall Aggregation Levels using Copula Method (2016)
    Continuity Function on Partial Metric Space (2016)
  14. Annual Maximum Exchange Rate in Southeast Asia Based on Methods of L-moment and Maximum Likelihood (2016)
  15. Modeling of Annual Maximum Storm Intensity with Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and L-moment (2016)
  16. Utilization of Holt’s Forecasting Model for Zakat Collection in Indonesia (2016)
  17. Prototype expert system using bayesian Network for diagnose social illness (2016)
  18. Performance of Sliding Mode Controller with Static and Dynamic Sliding Surface (2016)
  19. A Multi Due Date Batch Scheduling Model on Dynamic Flow Shop to Minimize Total Production Cost (2016)
  20. Normalized Power Propagation on 1×6 Fiber Coupler (2016)
  21. Optimal Control Feedback Nash in The Scalar Infinite Non-cooperative Dynamic Game with Discount Factor (2016)
  22. Energy and Exergy Analysis of Hybrid Solar Drying System (2016)
  23. A Transfer Matrix Method to Determine Power Transfer among Coupled Fibers (2016)
  24. Mathematical Modeling of Belimbing Dayak Fruit (Baccaurea angulata) Influence of Different Drying Air Temperature (2016)
  25. Drying Kinetics and Drying Models of Terong Dayak (Solanum lasiocarpum) (2016)
  26. Drying Kinetics and Drying Models of Terong Dayak (Solanum lasiocarpum) (2016)
  27. Energy and Exergy Analysis of Hybrid Solar Drying System (2016)
  28. Long-Term Daily Rainfall Pattern in Peninsular Malaysia (2017)
  29. Neymann Scott Rectanguler Pulse (NSRP) Modelling and Spatial Analysis of Storm Behavior in Peninsular Malaysia (2017)
  30. Analysis of Fuzzy Controller System for Rotary Inverter System (2017)
  31. Forecasting Model Hot’s for the Zakat Collection in Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei (2017)
  32. Numerical Simulation of Natural Convection Around an Undulated Cylinder (2017)
  33. Numerical Simulation of Natural Convection in a Porous Annulus Filled with Titania Nanoliquids (2017)
  34. Music interest classification of twitter users Using support vector machine (2017)
  35. A Numerical Study on Natural Convection in a Square Inclined Porous Enclosure Filled with an Ag Nanoliquids (2017)
  36. Spatial Analysis of Storm Behavior in Peninsular Malaysia during Monsoon Seasons (2017)
  37. Multi-Input Intervention Analysis for Evaluating of the Domestic Airline Passengers in an International Airport (2017)
  38. Design maximum power point tracking (MPPT) on photovoltaic panels using fuzzy logic method (2017)
  39. Total vertex Irregularity Strength of Comb Product Graph of Pm and Cn (2018)
  40. Operation Continuous Function and Lipschitz Function on Partial Metric Space (2018)
  41. The Analysis of Extreme Rainfall Events in Pekanbaru City Using Three-Parameter Generalized Extreme Value and Generalized Pareto Distribution (2017)
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